When we confirm developmental differences, we are advocates for the child first and work to bridge understanding between parents and educators. We engage in: individualized education planning (IEP’s), classroom selection, and educator training calling on knowledge of evidence-based educational programs, behavioral science, and developmental theory. We combine a developmental perspective with behavior analysis principles and an understanding of autistic learning styles to offer a unique approach to behavior consultation.

Behavior Consultation
- School Visits: Arranged to be pupil-focused, teacher-focused, or program-focused, we evaluate the following:
- Home-based Applied Behavior Analysis programs
- Preschool and kindergarten programs
- Elementary special-day classes and inclusion program
- Home Visits: Arranged to consult with parents on behavior challenges, developing adaptive skills, and facilitating social skillsWe often assist families in managing behavior that interferes with family life, including toileting and bathing, sleeping, eating, and managing anger outbursts
Independent Educational Evaluation (IEEs)
- Under IDEA, schools may offer IEE’s if parents and schools cannot agree on an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that will provide Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE).
- Our expert staff can provide an independent opinion by reviewing records, observing in the school and home, interviewing school staff and parents, and carrying out further psychodiagnostic and psychoeducational assessment
- This service is provided by arrangement, and we can provide references to school authorities for whom we have recently completed similar projects
Independent Medical Examination (IMEs)
- IMEs may include examination of records and patients to evaluate litigation claims of damage. Dr. Siegel, ACNC Executive Director, takes the lead on IMEs in colaberation with her membership in Forensic Psychiatry Assosiates (fpamed.com) .
IMEs are billed according to the number of plaintiffs, staffing needs, and extent of record review. Overall cost can be estimated on a case by case basis
ACNC staff in this program
Amanda Mossman Steiner, PhD, BCBA-D Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PSY28118), Director of Clinical Training